Sharing the Vision for the Uptown Innovation Corridor

In recent months, the Uptown Innovation Corridor has gained local, regional and national attention as a rising innovation district thanks to Uptown Consortium Inc.’s (UCI) efforts to promote the Corridor to local stakeholders and national experts.

Uptown Consortium’s PRSA Blacksmith Awards from 2018.

However, gaining attention for the Corridor—from large companies and institutions, city leaders, media outlets and leading national organizations—didn’t happen overnight. Development of the Corridor has been a carefully orchestrated, collaborative effort years in the making by UCI and its partners, including the Uptown anchor institutions, the City of Cincinnati and others. Over the past few years, UCI has embarked on multiple planning and marketing initiatives to realize its vision for a world-class innovation district—and to ensure that other people can embrace that vision, too.

In April, Mayor John Cranley heralded the Corridor as “the key differentiator of the next 20 years for Cincinnati’s accelerated growth” at a press conference for the Uptown Gateway development. And in June, the Corridor was recognized by the Global Institute on Innovation Districts (GIID) as a rising innovation hub in its report “The Evolution of Innovation Districts: The New Geography of Global Innovation” thanks to UCI’s work with GIID leadership. The report led to more local media coverage and multiple social media engagements from prominent industry leaders across the country.

UCI has dedicated years to branding the Corridor to help local leaders and community members understand what the Corridor is and why it’s a significant opportunity for Cincinnati. 

Through monthly newsletters, social media engagement, speaking opportunities and media placements, UCI has worked to ensure that Uptown is known as a hub for innovation, healthcare, research and technology where organizations of all sizes can thrive and collaborate. In addition, UCI has continued emphasizing its economic inclusion initiatives to make certain that neighborhood stakeholders have a role in all decisions around the Corridor.

UCI has dedicated years to branding the Corridor to help local leaders and community members understand what the Corridor is and why it’s a significant opportunity for Cincinnati.

In April, UCI even presented on the Corridor’s development at the American Planning Association’s National Planning Conference. The session was peer-reviewed and identified a pertaining to inclusion and social justice due to UCI’s focus on economic inclusion throughout the Corridor planning process. It’s just one example of many local, regional and national presentations over the past few years highlighting the Corridor as a destination for companies and community members and talent to live, work, collaborate and play.

In fact, UCI has won four Blacksmith Awards from the Public Relations Society of America’s Cincinnati chapter with its agency partner Wordsworth Communications since 2017. These awards focus on UCI’s well-researched and executed campaigns that helped move the needle for the organization and the Corridor.

Now, UCI is embarking on a larger marketing effort, in collaboration with its developers and other partners, to increase national awareness of the Corridor and help attract more businesses and talent to Uptown. As the Corridor grows—bringing more developments, amenities and opportunities—UCI will continue its efforts to establish the Corridor as a world-class innovation district, evaluating and adjusting its approach along the way.

To stay up-to-date on Corridor development plans and progress, opportunities and coverage, follow the Corridor on Twitter, subscribe to the Uptown Innovation Corridor newsletter or contact Beth Robinson, President and CEO of Uptown Consortium.