This past year created new challenges for organizations, governments and cities across the country, and Uptown Consortium, Inc. (UCI) is no exception. However, over the past several months, UCI adjusted to offer new programs and services while continuing its core economic development and inclusion work. Moving into 2021, UCI is excited about the various initiatives and programming to come.  



When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, UCI shifted many of its efforts to focus on supporting Uptown businesses through these challenging times. With state-mandated closures, fewer office employees and fewer students in Uptown, many businesses that previously relied on frequent visitors to the neighborhoods struggled. In response, UCI launched a series of virtual programming geared towards supporting Uptown businesses and nonprofits around a variety of topics.  

These programs included UCI’s monthly virtual panel series—focusing on topics such as COVID-19 support resources, marketing and institutional updates around the COVID-19 response---and its Uptown Forward program.  

The Uptown Forward program provides education and assistance to help Uptown small businesses build a digital presence amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently 12 businesses and non-profits are participating in the program. The program kicked-off with a free virtual workshop with Reverb and Pixels & Dots open to all Uptown businesses. 

Moving forward, UCI is continuing to look for additional ways to support businesses located in the Uptown neighborhoods. Since 2011, UCI has partnered with HCDC, Inc. to provide technical assistance to small businesses in Uptown. In 2020, HCDC provided support to 21 Uptown businesses and organizations and conducted a total of 110 coaching sessions with them. Of those, 17 are minority owned or led and nine are women owned. This year, UCI is continuing its partnership with HCDC, Inc. to provide business coaching services to Uptown businesses. 



Part of UCI’s efforts to support small businesses and community members included an ongoing series of virtual panels featuring local experts who provided advice and support services for Uptown businesses, nonprofits and institutions. From May through December 2020, UCI hosted eight monthly Uptown virtual business and community support panels and presentations. Over 200 people signed up to attend the sessions. These events featured expert guests and covered topics such as reinventing business models for a digital worlddigital marketing tips and how the Zoo adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic featuring an engaging virtual presentation and behind-the-scenes tour by Thane Maynard. 

 UCI is excited to build upon its virtual programming in 2021. The organization is launching Uptown Insights, its new virtual programming series focusing on economic development, inclusion, community engagement and placemaking best practices. Planning is underway for a February panel event featuring experts, including UC Health President and CEO, Dr. Richard Lofgren, to share information about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and answer important questions. The event will be free and open to the public. Please email Bridget Castellini ( to be included when the invitation is emailed.


UCI and its partners continued planning and community engagement efforts for the Innovation Greenway, a multi-acre active linear green space incorporated into the development at Martin Luther King Drive and Reading Road in Avondale. UCI received a $10,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation and a $25,000 grant from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation to continue developing plans for the Greenway. In addition, UCI and its design partner Sasaki hosted several virtual community engagement sessions with the Avondale Development Corporation to present plans to community members, solicit feedback and answer questions.  

UCI expects to continue its efforts around the Innovation Greenway in 2021. UCI recently received $50,000 from the Ohio state capital budget to continue its work on the project. These funds will help UCI and Sasaki finalize the next iteration of development plans, which UCI will present to the community for additional feedback later this year. 


Economic inclusion has always been a priority for UCI to create economic opportunities for Uptown residents and minority- and women-owned businesses to ensure that they benefit from development in the Uptown neighborhoods. In 2020, UCI won the International Economic Development Council’s Gold Economic Equity and Inclusion Award as part of the organization’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards. This award, along with other awards UCI has won over the past several years, helps establish UCI’s economic inclusion and community engagement initiatives as national best practices.  

UCI continues working with WEB Ventures LLC, its diversity and inclusion consultants, to reach ambitious goals for Uptown resident, minority-owned business and women-owned business inclusion across all Uptown projects. As the Uptown Gateway development moves further into construction and as other development projects continue through pre-development planning stages, UCI looks forward to working with its partners to create additional opportunities for Uptown residents and minority- and women-owned businesses in the coming months.  

While it’s impossible to know exactly what 2021 will entail, UCI believes that a new year offers opportunities for the Uptown neighborhoods to continue thriving now and into the future.