December Uptown Insights to Give a Look Inside the New Cincinnati Children’s Critical Care Building

Uptown Consortium, Inc. (UCI) is hosting its next virtual Uptown Insights webinar with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) to share updates about the new Critical Care Building on the hospital’s main campus in Avondale. The virtual event will be from noon – 1 p.m. and feature a presentation by Dr. James Greenberg, Executive Co-Director of the Perinatal Institute for CCHMC, and a Q&A. 

The new Critical Care Building is a $600 million investment—the largest expansion ever undertaken at CCHMC—that has involved three years of construction on the main Avondale campus. The 632,500-square-foot facility expands and enhances services for children, including patients needing emergency care, newborn or pediatric intensive care, cardiac care, or bone marrow transplants. Michael Fisher, president and CEO of CCHMC, regarded the addition as “a remarkable achievement in the 138-year history of Cincinnati Children’s.” 

“The extraordinary impact of this new facility will be felt on Uptown and Avondale, but also throughout Greater Cincinnati and even the world,” said Beth Robinson, CEO and President of UCI. “It’s been years in the making and we are excited to share what this will mean for the area.” 

Dr. Greenberg will provide a glimpse of what’s inside the new Critical Care Building and how it is serving the children in the Avondale neighborhood, throughout Greater Cincinnati, and around the world. Staff began moving patients into the new building in early November. 

As of November 11, CCHMC’s most critically ill patients are being treated right now in the new Critical Care Building. The move was a success: the team transported 142 patients to their new state-of-the-art rooms. 

“This is an incredible day in our history,” said Steve Davis, MD, Chief Operating Officer of CCHMC. “This is six years in the making. We’ve had hundreds of our employees involved in the planning for the building, patients and families and the community also involved. Thousands of hours of preparation went into being ready for this move. Everybody’s been moved safely and the reactions from the families that I’ve seen so far have been fantastic.” 

Questions for Dr. Greenberg may be submitted in advance during registration. To register for the event, please fill out the form here. A member of UCI’s team will contact you with webinar information. To submit any questions, please contact Brooke Rapp at