Q&A with Uptown Rental Properties President Dan Schimberg

Dan Schimberg

Recently named Cincinnatian of the Year at the JDRF Southwest Ohio Super Gala, Dan Schimberg, Uptown Rental Properties President, is establishing a legacy in Uptown Cincinnati. Now with over 2,500 units, Uptown Rentals have developed new and historic housing options near the University of Cincinnati for more than 25 years. We caught up with Dan in his newly renovated offices on Short Vine.   

Q: How did your start your business?

A: Uptown Rental Properties was founded about 30 years old, when I left the University of Cincinnati in the mid-80s. I rehabbed my first house on Victor Street, and I rented it to six people in the marching band. I saw a hole in the market, and I thought to myself I could be a great, considerate property manager in the Uptown area.

Q: Why did you choose to invest in Uptown? 

A: I’ve always been interested in Cincinnati’s Urban Core and interested in urban architecture, urban infrastructure and helping to provide housing, good quality infill housing and housing solutions in the Urban Core.

Q: Uptown has five neighborhoods, or some say “burroughs.” What’s your favorite area?

A: I would say that Short Vine is my favorite part of Uptown Cincinnati. When I went to college here, I lived on Short Vine for three years. Uptown Rentals started to buy properties here in the early 2000s. It has become a passion of mine to rent properties on Short Vine.

Q: What about Uptown keeps you as an investor?

A: It is very rewarding to work in the Uptown real estate market. We can look around at the success of the university, the surrounding institutions and the success of our own company to see our hard work accumulate in the Uptown area. Uptown Rentals enjoys being a major stakeholder in a region that is seeing so many successes and has experienced so many great milestones.   

Q: How do you hope your residents describe your approach?

Uptown Cincinnati

A: We want them to see us as the best in class and also feel comfortable with us to have open communication and transparency. I tell all of our employees that when they enter one of our apartments, you are walking into someone’s home. Uptown Rentals strives to be the best for our clients.

Q: Why do you champion Uptown as unlike any other regional district?

A: There is a certain amount of energy in Uptown, that really isn’t found in any other community around the city. Uptown has a daytime population that is diverse and spirited. It is filled with energized youthful people and an eclectic mixed of residents and visitors. We thrive on the energy and diversity in Uptown, and that is what I find so rewarding to work here. Uptown Rentals loves being a part of Uptown because it is a great neighborhood. To sit here with all these wonderful employers, one of the best children’s hospitals in the country, a university that includes world-renowned colleges, Christ Hospital having one of the best regional cardiac and Nero centers around… it’s really rewarding to play a role in this area.

Q: What is next for Uptown Rental Properties?

A: As a whole, Uptown Rental Properties has room for growth. We recently conducted a five-year vision plan. We have room in our new Short Vine office to double the size of our company. Currently, we own a significant amount of property in Mount Auburn. We are going to be working hard there, but we have several other great developments in Corryville and CUF. We have ramped up our rehab capabilities, are working closely with some community groups, developers and the university officials to solve a senior housing need in the area, and with nonprofits to try to solve some housing needs temporary transplants who come to Cincinnati for medical care. Our goal is to service everyone that needs to live in Uptown for either the short or long term. To reach this goal, we are venturing into different areas to make sure Uptown can be a home to everyone who wants to live here.